Wednesday 25 January 2017

Unite & Cooperate 6.

Unity, Peace, Cooperation
Distant dreams, they are not
Unity, Peace, Cooperation
Every sane being sought

Unity, Peace, Cooperation
Is the only sane way
To achieve  peace & prosperity
And always a happy day

We have gigantic global woes
Cooperation can solve them, if we try
Cooperation and Unity can be achieved
We have to only try

Suprio Ghosh 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

We Have To 2.

The place is not very far away
Where the suicide bombers struck today

Where people had gathered & were festive & gay
Families had collected to celebrate a festive day

This festive day came once a year
For them, this festive day was very dear

As usual it was a holiday & the sky was clear
Crowds had come from far & near

The place was colourful & bright
Music blared to everyone's delight

People were enjoying & waiting for the fireworks display at night
Happy vibrations  were everywhere, it was a joyous sight

Suddenly two explosions occurred, louder than everything else
An eerie silence followed, as though evil reigns & dwells

Shrieks and wails followed, some were trying to run
They wanted to get away, the place they wanted to shun

It was gory all over, body parts lay here and there
Dead bodies & wounded people lay almost everywhere

Did the perpetrators gain from this horrific deed?
Did they benefit anything, what was the need ?

Killing ordinary civilians is a mad act
Did the suicide bombers not realize this fact

Destroying happiness, creating gloom
Madness seems to prevail, seeds of doom

We must curb such madness & destroy its roots
Also the one's who finance it & anyone who others happiness loots

Suprio Ghosh  

Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Epicenter of Terrorism 6.

They mutilate & behead the enemy
They commit horrific war crimes
The global community usually ignores such facts
Something wrong with the global mindset of our times

Ignoring such realities only wastes time
While the monster nurtures & grows
How destructive & long each of it's tentacle is
No one really knows

They breed & nurture over 36 terror groups
I wonder, what is the need?
I wonder, what  plans do they have ?
And the destructive level of each planned deed

Ignoring such facts
Never, helps at all
Lets be awake & totally aware of such facts
Otherwise we are, fooling ourselves till, the fall

Suprio Ghosh

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Unite & cooperate 5.

Our world is full of
Too many complicated & complex woes
Each woe with associated problems
The deadly consequences of each, none knows
To cure the situation we need to be
Open-minded and on our toes

We have to forget the past
And live in the now
We have to observe what's true
To be able to mend fences & cooperate somehow
We have to cure
This situation somehow

Forgiving & forgetting traditional enmity
Will be sane & clever
It's already a bit late
But it's better late than never
Then peace & prosperity
Shall reign the global village forever

Suprio Ghosh